Alexandria Stylebook

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Age Matters Not

Fashion is meant for all ages. We truly are our own worst enemies when it comes to our shape, size, and look. Now add to that our age. As I’ve hit my 50s, I now question whether a long beloved dress is too short (at 5’10” most dresses are a bit on the short side…guess I should be happy I’m shrinking?) or if my favorite skinny jean is just that, too skinny for this…dare I say it…“middle-aged woman.” Ick. I hate that description. That makes me sound so much older than I feel!Thank goodness for Kiskadee’s customers! They are an absolute blessing! That is the beauty of working in a small boutique…we can all discuss, solve, and laugh at our multiple foibles. I encourage those who feel “too old” to try a piece of clothing they can be good as is or in need of a simple styling trick. In turn I have been blessed with customers older than me who have thumbed their noses at falsely perceived age-isms and simply wear what they love. That is inspiration!Kiskadee carries clothing for women of all ages and clothing lines that can be worn by women in their 20s beyond! Here are only a few examples, showcasing some of our new spring arrivals.[nemus_slider id="57877"]Shoes can be another stumper as we get older. Comfort shoes have come a long way, baby! Mid-size wedges are a boon to us all, flats, ditto, and the chic sneaker is, thankfully, here to stay! 

Top Row: Charleston Shoe Company, Jack RogersMiddle Row:  Johnston & MurphyBottom Row:  Jack Rogers, Johnston & Murphy

 Moral of the story? We are in this together!