Alexandria Stylebook

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A Farewell + Some Highlights from the Year

As 2020 draws to a close, I have both been reflecting on DC Style Factory and all the changes that have taken place. Like all of you, I feel like I have lived a decade in the span of less than a year!First, you may have noticed that I have not posted since spring. I wanted to share this space that has been so wonderful to me and my business with another local business. I so respect what Nicole of Threadleaf brings to this community, and I have loved seeing her posts on Alexandria Stylebook!I wanted to pop back on for a moment, though, to share some of the highlights from the year in my final post here on Alexandria Stylebook.  1. Sliding scale. I started reading about sliding scale in 2019. I wanted to learn more about how businesses incorporated this pricing system to provide more access to all members of their communities. I ramped up my research in the spring of this year and started drafting pricing, verbiage, etc. with invaluable input from my business group. The DC Style Factory sliding scale has been received with open arms. It has fueled so many honest conversations with clients about wealth, resources, and privilege. It also has provided access to people who would otherwise never be able to consider securing a "luxury" service such as personal styling. 2. Remote styling. Remote styling is not new for DC Style Factory, but it always has been a bit player in our business model. I have always been very focused on local in-person business. Throwing myself into remote styling has opened up doors I had not even considered. I have clients all across the country now and even overseas. This past season, I have worked with clients in England, Australia, Israel, Hong Kong, and more. And I, of course, continue to work with local clients here in the D.C. metro area. The feedback has been so positive and it has inspired me to keep making our remote Closet Audit, Shopping, and Outfit Creation services better and better. My plans for 2021 include continuing to grow our remote business, breaking down wardrobe essentials into more useful categories to help clients audit their wardrobes more efficiently, and rebooting our closet audit manual. 

"I have done several in-person shopping and outfit creation sessions in the past with Rosana, and I was thrilled by how she did not miss a beat with remote service. Same great advice, same amazing lookbook filled with just right outfits, and I did not even have to leave my house! Win-Win."-Gillian Russell, Arlington


"Having become familiar with Rosana and her work, it wasn't a total surprise how well-thought-out and deliberate the process was. It wasn't just slapping the in-person services into a zoom call."-Julie Waters, Arlington

 3. "Bite-size" styling services. I have always been about the three-step Closet Audit, Shopping, and Outfit Creation/Lookbook process because it is the most effective way to work with us. Over the past decade of trial and error, client surveys, etc. we have always found this is the way to deliver services that is most transformative for the client long term. Viewing my business through a virtual lens, though, I needed to revisit these hard-and-fast rules I had created for myself and my business. I wanted to give my clients a way to pace their work with DC Style Factory. This lead to Style Define, the Style Framework for Your LIfe course, and our latest Form & Function styling package. We also offer Zoom style consults. These services have opened up the possibilities for clients to embark on their individual style journeys in a way that makes sense for them time-wise and budget-wise. I have been a part of this Alexandria Stylebook community since 2015 and I want to thank you all for supporting and cheering on my business all these years. I am ready for this new chapter, but I will most certainly miss contributing in this space. I'm not going anywhere, though! Feel free to look for me on Instagram at @dcstylefactory or send me an email anytime. I love hearing from all of you! Wishing you a healthy and happy holiday season.