Introducing Red Barn Rewards
We thought of waiting until we are all back to “normal” to make our big announcement, but I decided there was no need to wait. The outpouring of support for our little business has been so wonderful that we thought why wait to reward people? Today, I’m pleased to announce the addition of Red Barn Rewards to our Penny Perks rewards program. To thank you for all the Easter baskets, puzzles, and gifts that you have already purchased we will be adding all rewards retroactively starting from March 17, 2020, the day we officially closed our doors to the general public. If you have purchased over the phone, through social media, or online, then you are already receiving rewards. It’s the least we can do to say thanks for your support! Just like Penny Perks, it’s easy to join. The next time you purchase something, sign up by giving us your email address and birthday (if you’re so inclined). If you are currently on our mailing list, then you are already registered. Though, please give us your birthday so we can add it. After that, simply give us your name every time you buy something, so your purchase goes towards your rewards.What are the rewards you ask? There are many and they increase with the more you spend. Everyone starts earning as soon as you sign up. Here’s what you get:
From April 16 to April 26, as a special thank you to our Red Barn Rewards and Penny Perks members, we will be giving double the points for any sale online, over the phone, or through social media. This is the perfect opportunity to add to your totals and increase your benefits. Because once you get to the next level you stay there. So, sign up as soon as you can and start earning!PS: Some restrictions will apply, naturally.