Do This One thing Before Lunch
Have you ever thought about your food choices after a great workout? After we exericse, let’s be honest, we are more conscious of our food choices. We may choose something green over something beige.What if before every meal, there was one action you took that helped you to make healthier food choices?There is!We all know that feeling after a brisk walk, a fitness class, several rounds of the 5 Minute Flow (get my free 5 Minute Flow here) or a round of tennis. It can be euphoric.After exercise we feel:
- • More productive
- • A better mood
- • A sense of accomplishment
- • Stronger
- • More energy
- • Practiced self-care
- • (Started) or kept a healthy habit
- • A little tighter around the mid-section
The good feelings are endless. You’ve burned fat, built muscle, and been good to your heart.Because you have exercised, your food choices will likely be healthier. Research has proven time and time again, those who exercise eat more fruits and veggies. I am certain those who exericse before meals, make more nourishing food choices. I know I do!So get in a little exercise before you eat a lunch.Most of my clients are women between the ages of 45 and 65 years old. Many are moms. Many work outside the home. Many are simply too busy with the family or job-related activity in the morning. Yet most of you have lunch every day.
So why not choose lunch as your preferred time to do something active just before. You can
- • Get in a 5 minute walk
- • Go to the gym for 20 minutes (there’s no requirement you stay an hour!)
- • Throw in a 10-15-20 minute “flow” or workout
- • Do 10 push ups, 10 squats, and 20 second plank 5 times
- • Whatever you choose…just move!
Then eat your delicious, nourishing, beautiful lunch.Learn more tricks of the super-fit at